book table or book seat?

2007-07-29 8:06 pm
If i want to have a seat before having my dinner in a restaurant,then i should ask the waiter to help me hold a table
so i should say : i want to book a table or book a seat?

回答 (2)

2007-07-29 10:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
不錯是說「table」,可是,樓上的英語,是一般中國人說英語常見的毛病。問題是,你的電話已經接到了餐廳 ,就不用說你要 reserve 的是甚麼了。可以說:

 I'd like to make a reservation please.


 I'd like to make a reservation for two please.


 To whom am I speaking with please?
 This is Anthony Wong.

 OK Mr Wong, what day?
 This Saturday.

 About what time please?
 7 in the evening, please.


 How many? /How many in your party?
 For two please.


 Smoking or non?/Do you have a preference for the non-smoking section?
 Non-smoking/I need a non-smoking table.

 May I have a name please?(留意,問的不一定是你的名字。)
 This is for Tony Leung.

 Is there a phone number where we can reach you in case something comes up?
 Yes, you can use 5555-5555.

 Is it okay to call this number on the day of the reservation to reach you?
 Yeah, it should be fine.

 OK Mr Wong, we have reserved a table for two under the name of Tony Leung for this Saturday at 7 pm. Is this correct?
 Very good, you got everything.


 Please be sure to be on time, and be sure that all members of your party are present when you arrive. Your table will be held only for 15 minutes, after which it is released to the next waiting guest. We do ask that you give us the courtesy of canceling your reservation ahead of time if you know for sure that will not be able to make it. We can be reached at 3333-3333, or 2222-2222.

 Is there anything else I can help you with?
 No, that's all.

 Thank you Mr Wong, we do appreciate your business. You have a nice day.
 Thank you. Bye.

參考: 我是美籍華人,小時候說的是英語,入了學才開始學中文。
2007-07-29 8:31 pm
I would like to book/reserve a dinner table for (1, 2, or more) persons.
參考: Myself . 我住在美國

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