log 問題 |||

2007-07-29 10:04 am

回答 (2)

2007-07-29 5:33 pm
參考: Myself~~~
2007-07-29 5:02 pm
Let b = a^c
Then logb base a = c

(logb base x) / (loga base x)
=[log (a^c) base x] / (loga base x)
=(c x loga base x)/loga base x
=logb base a

2007-07-29 09:54:16 補充:
I hope the questioner choose me or someone can vote me if at last it is given to vote.My answer is correct although it is quite difficult to read.But that's not my fault!If I can paste photo, I can also type the answer beautifully.But I'm just too "低級"

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