
2007-07-29 8:04 am
He tired his best to _______the lessons he had missed.
A.catch up B. look up
C.make up for D.pick up


回答 (6)

2007-07-29 8:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
a. catch up - 追上
b. look up - 查(字典/書)
c. make up for - 補償
d. pick up - 改善 / 加速 / 繼續
四個 phrasal verbs 只有 c 先解釋到係「走左堂追回進度」o既意思。

2007-07-29 00:22:14 補充:
如 catch up 作用時間/努力追回之前要做o既事,又有 object,要用 catch up ON X。
2007-08-05 6:08 am
2007-07-30 7:27 am
The answer is C.
make up for 解作: 補償
He tries his best to make up for the lessons he had missed.
意思是: 他盡力去補償因走堂引致損失的學習進度
2007-07-29 6:30 pm
The answer is C.

He tried his best to make up for the lessons he had missed.

Please do not confuse Cantonese with English as with Answer (A).
2007-07-29 8:24 am
answer係,,,(A) catch up,,
catch up既意思係"追番"(overtake)咁解,
For example:::::::
[[[Peter starts last in the race but he soon **catch up** with the others.]]]

你條question話果個HE要catch up(overtake,追番)佢missed左既lessons.
同埋好多時catch up都係連著個with黎用(catch up *with* the others)
參考: 自己
2007-07-29 8:16 am
A.catch up --BECAUSE IT MEANS ..趕上..
look up=查閱
make up for=填補; 賠償
pick up=拾起;收拾

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