Why is the Tube so much more expensive than buses in London?

2007-07-28 5:14 pm
Travelcards start at £89 per month and go up to £245!! A bus pass costs only £53.80/month and can get you anywhere as long as you limit your travel options to bus and tram.

With Oyster, a single bus ticket, for ANY trip, costs £1. The cheapest Tube single costs £1.50 and they go up much higher.

So why is the Tube so much more expensive than buses? Okay, it might be faster, but IMHO the discomfort and cost of Tube travel far outweigh its advantages.

(Discomfort = 45 degrees in summer... tiny, cramped deep-level trains... endless flights of stairs, etc. Heck no, I won't pay a fortune for such torture.)

回答 (4)

2007-07-28 10:23 pm
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I think it's because the tube is much more expensive to run and maintain. It does offer the fastest means of travel (usually) and is a fantastic network - there are few places in London it doesn't take you close too and it will even take you out into the countryside, like the rolling hills of Chesham, the grrenery of Chorleywood, etc etc. For what it offers, I have to say I think the London tube is fairly well-priced, that's why it's so crowded and popular!!!
2007-08-01 6:06 am
A tube train costs £1.5 million, a bus costs £120,000....Roads in London cost £5.4 Billion per year to maintain, Tube tunnels cost £53 Billion per year maintainance
2007-07-29 12:21 am
You pay for convenience.
2007-07-29 7:51 pm
Do you want an answer to that or did you just want to vent?

The tube is more expensive because it is faster than the bus is, especially if you're going a long distance. You also don't get soaked through when it's raining and you have to change lines (as opposed to when you are changing buses), and frankly, just not having to deal with grumpy London bus drivers makes me appreciate the tube.

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 13:17:58
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