
2007-07-29 4:58 am
係關於 holiday and travel, drug addiction, air pollution

回答 (2)

2007-07-29 5:14 am
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holiday and travel

1) check-in counter
2) departed
3) hotel booking
4) travel agency
5) luggage
6) hotel lobby
7) coach
8) tourist guide
9) picture postcard
10) souvenir

drug addiction
1) nicotine
2) carbon monoxide
3) stroke
4) allure
5) first attempt
6) addicted
7)lost life
8) Escatasy
9) lung cancer

air pollution
1) carbon dioxide
2) government policy ( to help)
3) cars realease ( carbon dioxide)
4) (to use) unleaded fuel
5) use less spray
6) avoid using chemicals
7) prefer public transports
8) avoid travel by private cars
9) save energy
10) atmosphere
2007-07-29 5:57 am
air pollution:
contamination 污染
contaminants 污染物,致污物
pollutant 污染物;污染源
solid waste 固體廢料
poisonous waste 有毒廢料
ozone layer 臭氧層
ozone-friendly (電冰箱、殺蟲劑等)不含破壞臭氧層物質的
ozoniferous 含臭氧的;
(motor vehicle) exhaust emissions . (汽車)排出廢氣
Acid rain 酸雨

drug addiction:
narcotics 毒品
addicts 吸毒者
heroin 海洛英
cocaine 古柯鹼
LSD 迷幻藥
hallucination 幻覺
tranquilizer 鎮靜劑
psychological dependency 心理上依賴
habitually 習慣地
intoxication 中毒

holiday and travel
pleasure 樂趣, 滿足
escape tour 旅行(指逃避工作煩瑣而旅行)
travel insurance祣遊保險
trip 旅程
relaxation 鬆弛,放鬆
leisure 空暇時間,悠閒,安逸
vacation 假期
fantastic journey 精彩旅程
aquarium 水族館
safari 開放動物園(動物可自由活動, 不在,獸籠內)
discount ticket 打折扣, 便宜機票

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