中譯英, 想禮貌地反駁對方的指責,但唔知點寫, 請幫忙, thankyou

2007-07-28 7:44 pm
你要求開出的發票, 我們已交客方,煩請查收.

另有關你提到我們收到資料3星期仍未開出發票, 相信是有些誤會了,因根據我收到的資料顯示,在上星期我們才收齊你們客方的開票資料,其後以我所知大家正在就有關如何明確開票的內容討論中, 當清晰有關內容後,已立即開出相關發票.

其實我們的處理開發票時, 當一切資料確認都會儘快開出, 而將來亦會儘管配合你及客人

回答 (3)

2007-07-28 8:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I would like to inform you that, as per your request, we have already sent the invoice to the customer. Please check and confirm receipt.

You have mentioned about our delay in issuing the invoice three weeks after receiving information from you. I believe that there is misunderstanding between us. According to our records, we only received your customer's information last week. During last week, we were discussing with each other on the details of the invoice to be issued. Once we have cleared our enquiries, we have immediately sent out the invoice.

I would just like to take this opportunity to reinstate that we would normally issue the invoice immediately when all necessary information are ready. I would reaffirm you that we would do all our best to meet you and your customers' requirements in future.
2007-07-28 8:54 pm
We have sent the invoice to the customer as per your request. Please kindly check accordingly.

In reply to your concern about us holding up the invoice issuing for as long as 3 weeks, we would like to take this opportunity to clarify our misunderstandings. According to our information, we only received all related information regarding the invoice last week. Thereafter, we were still in the progress of discussing the details of the invoice. We had in fact issued the invoice immediately after all inquiries were cleared.

I would just like to take this opportunity to reinstate that we would normally issue the invoice immediately when all the necessary information are ready. We would always want to work according to your request and hope to satisfy both you and your customer.
參考: myself and correcting sentences of previous answers
2007-07-28 7:53 pm
We have already issued the invoice to the customer based on your request. Kindly check & confirm receipt by return.

Besides, you have mentioned that we haven't issued invoice even 3 weeks after we received the data. I think that there may be some misunderstanding between us. As per the information I received, we only received full banking informations from your customer last week for issuing cheque. After then, we have spent some time in discussing on this issue. Upon all the information has been clarified, we have issued the invoice at once.

Kindly understand that our normal practice is to issue invoice as soon as we got all the informations from the customer on payment. We are always willing to fulfill your & your customer's requirement.
參考: myself (an experienced purchasing person)

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