點先可以買到2008年的英超球飛 (20 point)

2007-07-28 7:00 pm
我想買明年英超球飛... 我係唔係要去所屬球會的網頁才有機會買到?
還是會有類似香港的 "城市電腦售票網" 之類的機構負責代售門卷?

回答 (2)

2007-08-03 6:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Yea you can get it online.

However,they usually release the ticket ie tuesday moring 10 am.Then u have to wait till 10 am on time otherwise the ticket may be sold out in 30 mins time.

u gotta beware of which knida tickets you can get:

ie if u are u got season ticket then it has been reseverd it for u;

If u are member,then u can get grade A or B ticket;

If u only walk in ,then u may only can get Grade c ticket.

I was Chelsea member b4. So for the match verses Man u or Arsenal big game will classify as Grade A. If verses West Ham or Tottinham will decide as Grade B ....sort of.

U only have 5-7 mins to insert all the data once u get into the web site 'buy ticket ' branch.

So what u have to ready b4 u click 'buy ticket' :

1. Name
2. No. of ticket
3. Where to seat ( will provide the map in there so u have to see it at the main page b4 u get into buy ticket web page )
4. Bank card no.

參考: Chelsea member
2007-07-28 7:15 pm
有冇類似香港的 "城市電腦售票網" 之類的機構呢就唔係太清楚啦,應該就冇,但你係可以去所屬球會的網頁join fan club,係member之後就會易買到飛,不過你要留意佢幾時開始預售,因好快賣晒

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