2007-07-28 11:50 am
我好想知道呢首韓文歌嘅背景, 同埋歌詞嘅中文翻譯架! 點解啲後生仔女同埋師奶阿伯都會識唱嘅呢?
段片表演嗰個女仔叫YOUNHA係我近年嘅最愛! 隻歌叫AZALEA FLOWER
原唱者我知道叫MAYA。請各位多多幫忙! 我會俾高啲分數作為答謝架! Thank you!

回答 (2)

2007-07-28 10:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
《진달래 꽃》is a poem (近代詩) written by 김소월 in 1922. This poem was well received in Korea and its popularity is comparable to the song 獅子山下 or the poem 靜夜思 in Hong Kong. Therefore Korean people, no matter old or young all know this poem by heart.
Maya's song 《진달래 꽃》is a modified version of this poem and the whole poem was adopted into the lyrics of this song.
Therefore when the singer sings this song and comes to the part of the poem, people can follow her and sing along even though the tempo (speed) of the song is fast.

2007-07-28 14:44:27 補充:
진달래 = 杜鵑 / Azalea and 진달래 꽃 = 杜鵑花 / Azalea Flower

2007-07-28 14:56:32 補充:
《진달래 꽃》中文大意:因您不愿见到我 当您离开的时候 我会在背后默默地送走您 因您不愿见到我 当您离我而去的时候 我是决不会落泪的 离开我以后是否还幸福 不知是否依然是从前的您 这些日子我是望着(依赖着)您走过来的 这样的我是否被挡在她的身后 爱 它带来的痛苦实在太深 我痛得都无法呼吸 我会恳求上天让您过的幸福 我会永远恳求

2007-07-28 14:59:56 補充:
因您不愿见到我 当您离开的时候 我会在背后默默地送走您 我会采集一怀宁边的金达莱花 落洒在您的离别路上 希望您在离别路上 在被金达莱花垫满的那条路上走好 因您不愿见到我 当您离我而去的时候 我是决不会落泪的 即使我离开人世化为风 缠绕着您 您还会爱着她对吗 (translation from baidu)
2007-07-29 11:46 am
需然我暫時答唔到你嘅問題, 我將會問吓我啲韓國朋友, 多謝你提供這首歌, 真係好好聽, Maya個版本都聽埋, 但係鐘意 Yonnha 這首多啲.
參考: 來自加國

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