幫幫我... agn

2007-07-28 10:46 am
i been postin abt i like a girl and ask u ppl to help.. but now i thk i should quit. if sum ppl duno the story. look at my old post... we went out few time.. first i thought she like me too..but she said to me that she is just use me as like use me to forget the one she like b4.. so i just thk that from the beginin to now she is just playin me... so im quitin.. becuz i no she never like me...im very sad.. so can u guys thkin some thing that can help me forget every thing abt that girl A.S.A.P.

as (eppie7788) said she dun want to involve in another love affair so fast so quick... but i no is she just make a new boy frd from uk.. and now make us dun tlk much in msn cuz he spend her time wif the uk boy

回答 (2)

2007-07-28 11:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
So u hv decided to quit... But, pls make sure that it is what u want instead of your friend ' s influence/comment (How comes the comment being so cruel to a girl~)
Maybe, the girl has not yet recovered fm the wound made by her ex-lover. As a friend, one should look into the case fm her point of view. All she needs is comfort & concern rather than to involve in another love affair so fast so quick. Boys are different fm girls. Regarding love, boys are somewhat amorous while girls are more focused. I wonder if u can treat her like friend at this stage. Friendship is also valuable. To say, she is not that bad... She is honest when facing a relationship. She is sentimental, ie. not easy to forget.
Back to your question... To forget... How about your own friends? Let ' s play some sports (basketball, football, swimming, your favourite games) with them. Sports can help our body release certain happy elements. U may join activities (hiking, camping, voluntary works, guitar lessons, whatever) for youngsters so as to make some new friends. To get fun. To learn some new things. To draw away your attention.
Supposed that u are still in the schooling. Right? I hope u can give more effort & energy to your study then.

2007-07-29 00:28:58 補充:
I see... UK boy... I should hv skipped some vital info... U hv not the kind of fate with her, ie. 緣份 as per we Chinese said. OK la... U hv realized the whole case. Still not too late... To say, time can cure. Let ' s keep an eye on any new girl instead of living beneath her shadow.

2007-08-07 17:23:46 補充:
Tks the great support by Waynelo! Let ' s make some fun or learn sth meaningful in this summer vacations. That girl? Get lost la~
2007-07-28 4:29 pm

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