
2007-07-28 8:27 am
bb到三歲都淨係識講爸爸媽媽車車等少量單音字, 成曰都係用身体動作表達意思e.g急尿就禁住jj,問佢好唔好就擰頭, 点算好有無方法教佢講多d嘢? 9月就返學la唔識竭講野可以返學嗎?

回答 (4)

2007-07-28 9:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
Q: 唔識竭講野可以返學嗎?

A: 當然可以啦, 唔緊要架, 先生有特別方法引佢. 見到其他小朋友講野, 都會學習採用說話呢種溝通方法.

Q: bb到三歲都淨係識講爸爸媽媽車車等少量單音字, 成曰都係用身体動作表達意思e.g急尿就禁住jj,問佢好唔好就擰頭, 点算好有無方法教佢講多d嘢?

A: 屋企人係最有效教佢既人. 好明顯佢既理解力冇問題, 識得用身体動作亦都表示佢願意同人溝通. 不過你地用既方法唔啱.

1) 唔應該用疊字. 車就是 "車" , 媽媽可以用"媽咪". 有報告顯示用疊字會延遲說話能力.
2) 要慢, 用短,但完整句子.
3) 不要連續不停的說, 句子之間要有停頓, 給机會小朋友回答或重複你的句子.
4) 要有高低語調, 引起他的興趣.
5) 要用較平時誇張的口形, 面向小朋友, 讓他學習利用面部肌肉發音
2007-07-28 7:12 pm
要多D同佢講嘢, 例如同佢講故事, 最好有食物和玩具氹佢講下嘢啦... 不過唔使操之過急, 有些小朋友係唔多喜歡講嘢, 性格問題啫... 到佢返左學, 學校有老師和同學, 特別是和他同輩的同學, 會幫助佢OPEN D, 到時會多D嘢講啦... 佢都唔係唔識講嘢, 唔鐘意講嘢啫...
參考: 有兩個小朋友, 囡囡細個都好靜唔多講嘢, 返左學大膽左, 成日問問題, 依家想佢靜D都唔得...
2007-07-28 9:51 am
I would suggest you to see doctor and if necessary the doctor will refer you to the specialists. At least they can provide more professional opinions rather than you are wondering what you can do to help. You can raise all sorts of questions with your toddler's conditions and get some answers directly. That is your own child, I am sure you will try or have tried everything to help him/her. I am a mother of twins, although I do not have the same experience as you have had, I absolutely realise and understand how you feel as parents.

Of course you can also take someone else's experiences and ideas as your references.

2007-07-28 01:58:50 補充:
Let your child to play with other kids. I understand sometimes it is hard. As parents would like to protect their own children from any risks, you may be thinking other kids may skit him/her. .

2007-07-28 01:59:15 補充:
However, under safe conditions, it is a good chance for him/her to learn from others. Children can learn so many things beyond your imagination.
2007-07-28 8:52 am
參考: 自己

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