
2007-07-28 7:15 am
请问一下,澳洲移民新例之下一般技术移民要多长时间才拿到 'PR' 身份?

Skilled – Independent Overseas Student visa (Subclass 880)

uni foundation in feb 2008 & leading to a 3 years BSc Biomedicine.
Does my BSc Biomedicine help? is it possible to become 'PR' before graduate?
I am a British Citizen, does it make a different?

回答 (1)

2007-07-28 9:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
As I came back last July, my friend who lives in Au said that the law becomes valid requiring PR to reside in Au for 4 years long instead of 2 years before to get the citizenship. But I didn't follow the news by myself and I only heard of its proposal when I was in Au.

I review your 1st question again and found that you are asking about applying the PR. In my experience, it takes about one year for you to apply for the skilled immigation. But I think the shortest period can be around nine mths providing you have ALL the required document.

"Skilled – Independent Overseas Student visa (Subclass 880)

uni foundation in feb 2008 & leading to a 3 years BSc Biomedicine."
What do you want to ask quoting the title and the study path.
Do you mean that after graduate from this course can help apply the skilled immigation PR visa? But you quote the Student visa?????

PR stand for permanent resident which is leading to the citizenship. Be honest, Australian immigation policy keep changing all the time. It's a whole new world after even one year. Each year the government will change its list for the favourable skilled immigration application. I think it is almost immpossible to become PR before graduation except you are really SPECIAL. Be honest, my friend told me that the Australian government no longer interested in absorbing the overseas students graduating from Australian uni excluding the medicial doctor or nurse graduate. Because having the asian students studying in Au is now a business for the Au gov't. Entering the uni for overseas students are so much easier comparing to the local Australian students.

For the question, "does my BSc Biomedicine help?" You better check the Au immigration website. But even the gov't prefer this skilled immigrant now doesn't guarantee that it still wants it several years later.

The final question about the British Citizen, do you mean having a British Passport? As I know it makes no different if you just have a British Passport because my friend who also has a British Passport which is granted by the British gov't before the hk handover didn't successfully apply the PR. But if you are white instead of asian / you really are a British CITIZEN, it will really make a different. See?

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