英文 壯烈犧牲

2007-07-28 4:21 am
英文有冇「壯烈犧牲」 呢個形容詞架?


回答 (4)

2007-07-28 5:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
壯烈犧牲 = heroic sacrifice oneself
brave sacrifice oneself

你可以到 Yahoo 字典 再找

犧牲 = http://hk.dictionary.yahoo.com/search.html?q=1&s=%C4%EB%AC%B9

2007-07-27 21:04:27 補充:
to lay down one's life for / a victim; a scapegoat / to have something done at the expense; to sacrifice / an oblation; a sacrifice / at the cost ofHope can help you ^_^
參考: Yahoo 字典
2007-08-15 6:10 pm
the above selected answer does NOT need " oneself "
as heroic 壯烈 is an adjective
and sacrifice 犧牲 is a noun
if using like : heroic sacrifice oneself
then the sacrifice becomes a verb
2007-07-28 8:38 pm
壯烈犧牲不是形容詞﹐ 是動詞.

英文是﹕sacrifice one's life as a martyr
martyr 是"烈士" (名詞)
參考: Myself . 我住在美國
2007-07-28 4:35 am
brave sacrifice
參考: yahoo

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