
2007-07-28 12:37 am
故事發生在紐約,皮耶•杜蘭(安東尼奧•班德拉斯 飾)是一名國際標準舞的專業舞者,他在某日的夜晚偶見一名高中生正在破壞街上的私人轎車,此事使他興起了用自身專長來矯正高中生偏差行為的想法,為了實現此一想法,他說服了高中校長(艾菲•伍達德 飾),使他能向一群留校察看的問題學生教授國際標準舞,同時期望他們能從舞蹈中學習到相互尊重、獲得成就與重拾自信。

回答 (2)

2007-07-28 1:09 am
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The story was casted in New York. Pierre Dulaine (Antonio Banderas) was a Ballroom Dancing teacher who witnessed by chance a high school student vandalising a car parked on the street. This insipred him to use his professional skills to correct the wayward behaviour of high school students. To realise his idea, he convinced the Headmistress of the high school (Alfre Woodard) to let him teach ballroom dancing to a group of students under detention, hoping that they could learn mutual respect, gain feeling of achievement and confidence through dancing.
However, the students only felt for hip-hop, street dancing and were very much lack of interest for ballroom dancing. Coupled to that was the difference in their backgrounds, which filled the lessons with conflicts and resistance. But in the end the two sides not only could compromise on their differences, they were also able to inspire and encourage each others to create a brand new style of dance.

2007-07-27 17:10:33 補充:
This film is called "Take the Lead". It is based on a true story and is a very good film. You should get it out on video and watch it!

2007-07-27 21:34:46 補充:
joyce leung: maybe you should not use those web translotors. their translations do not make sense, and it is more fun posting you own answer. you would get more satisfaction from that.
參考: Veni - Vidi - Vici
2007-07-28 12:50 am
The story occurs in New York, Pi Ye • tolan (Antonio • class Germany Russ plays the part of) is a international standard dance specialized dance, he sees student in some date night partner to destroy on the street the personal passenger vehicle, this matter caused him to emerge rectified student the deviation behavior with own specialty the idea, in order to realize this idea, he convinced high school principal (Ai Fei? Ng Dai Ta to play the part of), enabled him question student professor which kept after school to a crowd observes the international standard dance, simultaneously expected they could study from the dance to mutually respect, obtain the achievement with to ascend again self-confidently. But, the students only to hee hee the Kazak music, the street dance have the feeling, to GB code dance Qu Feng, the dance step interest has lacked, adds the Shanghai Normal College, lives for many years to locate the environment background difference, causes this section of teaching to fill the resistance and the conflict, however finally two only then not only can mutually approve, and also surges, fuses the more newly creations dance wind.

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