
2007-07-27 11:28 pm
(1)2,3,5,9,17,( ),( )
(2)2,4,10,28,82,( ), ( )
(3)94,46,22,10,( )
(4)2,3,7,18,7,( )

回答 (6)

2007-07-27 11:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
(2)2,4,10,28,82,(244), (730)
(4)2,3,7,18,7,(3) ,(2)

2007-07-28 14:12:06 補充:
(1)2+2^0 = 33+2^1 = 55+2^2 = 99+2^3 = 17因此,第一個答案 = 17+2^4第二個答案 = 17+2^4+2^5

2007-07-28 14:16:16 補充:
(2)2+2×3^0 = 44+2×3^1 = 1010+2×3^2 = 2828+2×3^3 = 82因此,第一個答案 = 82+2×3^4第二個答案 = 82+2×3^4+2×3^5

2007-07-28 14:18:24 補充:
94÷2-1 = 4646÷2-1 = 2222÷2-1 = 10因此,第一個答案 = 10÷2-1第二個答案 = (10÷2-1)÷2-1

2007-07-28 14:22:39 補充:
(4)講真,我不肯定"2,3,7,18,7,(3) ,(2)"是否正確但除了對稱外,我看不出有其他可能的規律
2007-07-28 12:39 am
(1)2,3,5,9,17,(33),(65) 如果....a,b.... - b等於2a減1

(2)2,4,10,28,82,(244),(730) 如果....a,b.... - b等於3a減2

(3)94,46,22,10,(4),(1) 如果....a,b.... - a除2減1等於b

(4)2,3,7,18,7,(?),(?) ~諗唔到, sorry~
參考: 自已
2007-07-28 12:30 am




2,4,10,28,82,(244), (730)

2 + 2=4
4 + 3 x 2=10
28 + 3 x 18
82 + 3 x 54=244
244 + 3 x 162=730



(4)2,3,7,18,7,(3) ,(2)

/ \
/ \
/ \
參考: me
2007-07-27 11:55 pm
2007-07-27 11:52 pm
(2)2,4,10,28,82,(244), (730)
(4)2,3,7,18,7,(3) ,(2)
2007-07-27 11:45 pm
The numbers, starting from 2, is added by 1, 2, 4, 8 ...
i.e.3 = 2+1
5 = 3 + 2
9 = 5 + 4
17 = 9 + 8
so the nest two terms are 33 (17 + 16) and 65 (33 + 32)

4 = 2 + 2
10 = 4 + 6 = 4 + (3 x 2)
28 = 10 + 18 = 10 + (3 x 6)
82 = 28 + 54 = 28 + (3 x 18)
so the terms are given by adding 3n, where n is the number added by the pervious term
Hence, next 2 terms are 244 (82 + (3 x 54)) and 730 (244 + (3 x 162))

46 = 94 - 48
22 = 46 - 24 = 46 - (48/2)
10 = 22 - 12 = 46 - (24/2)
so the terms are given by subtracting n/2, where n is the number subtracted by the pervious term
Hence, next 2 terms are 4 (10 - 12/2) and 1 (4 - 6/2)

I don't know...
Maybe it is 3, 2 (just reversing the order)

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