
2007-07-27 11:00 pm
1)我係British council 買咗3張Oyster card
2)倫敦嘅Buckingham Palace, London eyes同埋St.Paul Catherdal

回答 (2)

2007-07-28 1:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hi there,

1) Yes, you can refund the oyster card at ticket counter at any London Underground station. There should not be any admin fees.

2) Buckingham Palace only opens during the summer so it may be worth visiting. London eyes is okay on a good day. But I found the view is better around time for sunset in UK (currently 8-9pm).

St Paul Catherdal - not really worth to visit inside. Perhaps a photo from the outside?

Another place recommend to visit is Greenwich Royal Observatory. http://www.greenwich-guide.org.uk/observ.htm

You can have a nice view of London from the Observatory.
參考: Myself - Live in UK.
2007-07-31 9:08 am
1. 我一個月之前都係係british counsel 買左2張oyster card, 10 pound的, 兩張共收HK$394(連手續費). 我最後一日在heathrow退回3pounds deposits (each card) 同餘額, 唔收手續費之餘, 其實計落都有少少賺. 總之你係是但一個tube station都可以退款.

2. Buckingham Place 幾值得去, 夏天每日11:30都有御林軍換更, 歷時45分鐘. 我一個鐘頭前去等, 企到個靚位. 太遲去到就要企到老遠乜都睇唔到ga la. 如果你有時間, 我強烈推介你去埋溫沙. 由waterloo去要50分鐘火車. 入場費要12.75pounds (學生票), 但那裡的御林軍換更比Buckingham Place 的精彩得多. 時間是11:00, 和Buckingham Place 不同. 我在溫沙大概逗留了3小時 (連城堡外的小鎮).
London eyes我無上到去, 因為都幾貴 (約hk$200). 個人覺得係big ben影過對面岸都夠.
St. Paul Cathedral都無去到, 因去了西敏寺教堂.

travel card幫你唔到, 因本人日日都係9:30之後先出門口, 淨係用oyster card個capping rate都夠(即係你淨係搭zone 1-2, 一日最多扣4.6pounds).
參考: 一個月之前去過英國

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