S1-S2 English ~ Grammer ~ Articles ~

2007-07-27 10:47 pm
A Complete the following sentences with 'a', 'an, 'the';; or a cross (X) if no article is needed.
1 Can you get me a copy of (a) _____ SCMP and a jar of strawberry jam when you go to the supermarket?

回答 (4)

2007-07-27 10:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
所以答案是 cross(X)
你不會說 I went to the Ocean Park yesterday.
而是說 I went to Ocean Park yesterday
Can you get me a copy of (a) __X___ SCMP and a jar of strawberry jam when you go to the supermarket?
2007-07-27 11:00 pm
the answer is (X)... becoz SCMP is a name... we won;t add a,an,the before name, countries,or or some special nouns
2007-07-27 10:49 pm
the answer is : X

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