
2007-07-27 10:20 pm

回答 (4)

2007-07-27 10:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
一個女仔名,一個男仔名~ 讀就......唔識
2007-08-11 9:20 pm
卡爾文發音了: KAL-vin 和凱爾文發音了: 凱爾文卡爾文從法國姓氏Chauvin 獲得了, 從chauve 被獲得"禿頭" 。姓氏由吉恩・Chauvin, 一個神學家出生從是新教徒改革的領導的當中一個的法國。他的姓氏Latinized 如同Calvinus (根據拉丁calvus "禿頭") 並且他為人所知作為John Calvin 用英語。
凱爾文從蘇格蘭河被獲得了(或許意思"狹窄的水的" 名字) 。如同標題它由凱爾文閣下出生, 真名是威廉Thomson 的蘇格蘭物理學家。
2007-07-27 10:42 pm
女仔都有kathy ,cathy(一樣的)

2007-08-23 12:06:24 補充:
2007-07-27 10:38 pm
Calvin pronounced: KAL-vin and Kelvin pronounced: KEL-vin
Calvin derived from the French surname Chauvin, which was derived from chauve "bald". The surname was borne by Jean Chauvin, a theologian from France who was one of the leaders of the Protestant Reformation. His surname was Latinized as Calvinus (based on Latin calvus "bald") and he is known as John Calvin in English.

Kelvin was derived from the name of a Scottish river (perhaps meaning "narrow water"). As a title it was borne by Lord Kelvin, a Scottish physicist whose real name was William Thomson.

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