做yoga ??

2007-07-27 8:05 pm
應該沖左涼先做定係做左先沖涼呢 ??
唔該哂 =]

回答 (4)

2007-07-27 8:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
如果講衛生, 當然做完yoga先沖涼啦, 做完運動始終係會出汗, 但唔好做完yoga後立即沖涼, 大概等一個小時後才沖, 但係做完yoga血液循環會比較快, 如果立即沖涼降溫會對身體唔好, 所以最後係等一個小時後才沖
2007-07-29 10:01 am

你想做yoga~可以搵lee 個顧問呀~
參考: 自己玩緊yoga
2007-07-28 3:13 am
我女朋友以前 瘋狂減肥,用過好多方法減肥, 但係越減越肥!
依家佢用咗一個高營養, 低熱量既方法, 一個月減了13磅, 總共減了18磅, 全身修了15吋以上, 五年都無返彈, 又簡單又經濟, 我見佢連運動都唔使做, 無食藥,都幾好! 佢都係呢個網既顧問幫佢, 而我都用來增重, 一定都幫到你!
2007-07-27 8:12 pm
我自己做yoga前會沖涼, 令到個人舒服啲。

it does not matter. but u understand that after shower, your heartbeat will be quicker than before. so u have to relax yourself and try to calm yourself down and back to the normal heart rate before u do yoga.

after yoga, you can shower, but i prefer 30 minutes after yoga.
參考: my own experience....hope it helps

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