f.2 學英文 vocab 的方法 ( 最佳回答 40 points )

2007-07-27 7:23 pm
I'm a f.2 student
想係 lee 個暑假學多 d vocab,,,
想請問大家一d 有效的方法,,,
can someone help me?

回答 (8)

2007-08-08 6:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
- 睇英文報紙,(最好係南華早報South China Morning Post) 中學多數都有。
- 睇英文字幕,無論睇戲或TV都好,一定要睇英文字幕。
- 睇英文書,初初要睇卡通英文書,慢慢要睇啲深啲嘅,例:改編小說或改編文

- 每日聽英文新聞。
- 睇多啲英文戲,有英文版就睇英文版,盡量睇英文戲(初初要有中文字幕)。

2007-07-31 12:14 pm
我係中7女畢業生, 待升大學, 會考25分, 住大埔, 現幫3個中5分及在職人士補eng, 上堂有notes, exercise, 會練oral ,listening . 針對番學生弱項及需要去教, 如果有意補習, 可聯絡我 msn/email: [email protected]
2007-07-28 5:53 am
睇 newspaper la , 唔明check dictionary or 借d 書睇 好useful 既!
2007-07-28 12:21 am
Have a look at at least one page of a dictionary before bedtime...and memorize the words you fancy...write them down neatly in a notebook and remind yourself over and over. Secondly, you can always read books to enrich your range of vocabs!! The dictionary method is taught by my primary teacher ages ago^^It was effective!
2007-07-27 8:36 pm
2007-07-27 8:01 pm
listing : 租英文片睇, 用紙條遮住字幕, 只用耳聽, 遇到唔識,聽唔到或唔明, 按stop, 估下內容講咩, 再估下個字應該點解(有上文下理會比較容易估), 再查字典核實

vocab : 租外語片, 只看英文字幕, 遇到唔識, 按stop, 估下內容講咩, 再估下個字應該點解(有上文下理會比較容易估), 再查字典核實

其實學咩文呢個方法都好好, 唔會悶又可以睇戲, 仲好平. 可以學到生字, 文法, 聆聽. 仲比較容易記得. 我細個都係咁練
2007-07-27 7:45 pm
2007-07-27 7:28 pm

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