job, remuneration 與occupation的分別

2007-07-27 8:08 am

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2007-07-27 8:13 am
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job [job]
noun (plural jobs)
1. paid occupation: an activity such as a trade or profession that somebody does regularly for pay, or a paid position doing this
She's got a new job.

2. task: something that remains to be done or dealt with
I have a couple jobs to do this afternoon.
several jobs around the house

3. assignment: an individual piece of work of a particular nature
We managed to complete the job in under a week.

4. function: the role that somebody or something fulfills
It's her job to look after the finances.

5. difficulty: something that is difficult to accomplish
I had quite a job getting it to start.

6. quality of work done: a completed piece of work of a particular quality
They did a very good job on the exterior.

7. particular kind of object: a particular kind of object, especially a manufactured item (informal)
one of those big four-wheel-drive jobs

8. crime: a criminal act, especially a robbery (informal)
a bank job

9. comput programming task: a computer programming task run as a single application or unit
re·mu·ner·a·tion [ri mynə ráysh'n]
(plural re·mu·ner·a·tions)
1. pay: a payment or reward for goods or services or for losses sustained or inconvenience caused
2. paying: the paying or rewarding of somebody for goods or services or for losses sustained or inconvenience caused
oc·cu·pa·tion [òkyə páysh'n]
(plural oc·cu·pa·tions)
1. job: the job by which somebody earns a living
2. activity: an activity on which time is spent
3. act of occupying: an act of occupying or the state of being occupied
4. military invasion: the invasion and control of a country or area by enemy forces
5. time of occupying: the period of time during which something is occupied
2007-07-27 8:22 am
JOB n.
一件工作(piece of work)
職業.工作.職務(paid employment)



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