window xp

2007-07-27 3:38 am
today when I turn on the computer, the blue screen log in page appears, I click in however I can't go to the desktop. because it says the file 'C:/windows....' can not be found. need to reinstall the application. How can I do it with the window xp disc?

Thanks for your help. I would like to keep the data in my hard disk, but is there any method that does not need to transfer my hard disk to another computer?

回答 (2)

2007-07-27 4:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you no need to keep computer file on the system, just simple do these steps:
1. BIOS: set CD boot
2. Then put Windows XP CD into the drive and restart the computer
3. The computer is booting by CD and copying something to harddisk
4. Follow the instructions on the screen, "Enter" for install a Windows XP
5. "Fixdisk" and "Format" your harddisk - not use quick format to pervent damage, personal perfer NTFS for more stable
6. Setup is running and please following the instructions on the srceen
(The computer will restart automatic)
7. Set date / time / language / input method / location ...
8. You may activate and register your Windows XP
9. You may install secuity softwares and update them (Anti-Virus, Anti-Spyware, Firewall, Windows Update) - Restart is required
10. Install MS Office, plug-in and other applications, and update them if needcessary - Restart is required
11. Set your desktop interface outlook ... you can use it safety now

If you need to keep data in the computer, you may try to access the harddisk by install your harddisk to another computer:
1. Please set jumper if you are using IDE harddisk
2. Shutdown and unplug power supply of another computer
3. Plug both signal and power cable to the harddisk to another computer
4. Plug power supply and power on another computer
5. If you know which file is missing, you may try to copy the file to the harddisk
6. Make a copy of all your data which need to be kept
7. Execute scandisk (Right-click the harddisk in "My computer", select "Properties" then "tools")
8. (As step 2)
9. (Reverse of step 1)
10. If it can boot into Windows XP now, then it is ok, otherwise you may consider reinstall Windows or get assistant from computer repair shop / support hotline
2008-11-27 4:19 am
我的名字is raymond li
www.money128.biz和 -
[email protected]

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