
2007-07-27 3:29 am
The train was very c_ _ _ _ _ _. (a lot of people)

The old man knew very well that the young man had told a l_ _. (words which are not tue)

The young man s_ _ _ _ _ _ that the bag belonged to him. (cried out)

The old man taught the young man a l_ _ _ _ _ . (showing him what should not be done)


回答 (3)

2007-07-27 3:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
Fill in the blanks in purple:
1. The train was very crowded. (a lot of people) (擁擠的,adj)

2. The old man knew very well that the young man had told a lie. (words which are not tue) (謊言,noun)

3. The young man screamed that the bag belonged to him. (cried out) (尖叫,verb)

4. The old man taught the young man a lesson. (showing him what should not be done) (教導,noun)

2007-07-26 19:44:17 補充:
Supplement (補充):3. SHOUTED (大叫) 才啱位,樓上的答案才正確。2. LIE (謊言) 才啱意思,樓上答錯咗囉。

2007-07-27 23:41:15 補充:
Should say thanks to other replier Acar for reminding the acurate answer no. 3.
The train was very CROWDED
The old man knew very well that the young man had told a LIE
The young man SHOUTED that the bag belonged to him.
The old man taught the young man a LESSON
2007-07-27 3:39 am
The train was very " c r o w d e d ". (a lot of people)

The old man knew very well that the young man had told a " l o t ". (words which are not tue)

The young man " s h o u t e d " that the bag belonged to him. (cried out)

The old man taught the young man a " l e s s o n " . (showing him what should not be done)
參考: 自己=)

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