maths之英文題的百分數 好難 help me

2007-07-27 12:07 am
1. A hawker bought 750 eggs, 25of them were broken. Find the percentage of eggs that were broken.

2. 450 boys and 550 girls sat an examination, 80% of boys and 60% girls passed the examination. Find

(a) the number of boys who failed the examination;

(b) the number of girls who failed the examination;

(c) the percentage of students who failed the examination.

呢幾條題來自Train Up MATHEMATICS 1 (S.1-S.2)

回答 (4)

2007-07-27 12:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. A hawker bought 750 eggs, 25of them were broken. Find the percentage of eggs that were broken.

The percentage of eggs broken was 25/750 x 100% =3.33%

2. 450 boys and 550 girls sat an examination, 80% of boys and 60% girls passed the examination. Find
a) the number of boys who failed the examination

450 x (1-0.8)=90 boys
explanation: There were 80% of boys passing the examination, which meaned 20% of them got passed.

(b) the number of girls who failed the examination;
550 x (1-0.6)=220girls

(c) the percentage of students who failed the examination.
The total number of students participating in the examination was 450+550=1000students, and there were 310 students (90boys and 220 girls) getting a fail in it. Therefore, the percentage of students who failed the examination was 310/1000 x 100%= 31%

Hope you can understand my explanations.
2007-07-27 12:20 am

2c.90+220/450+550 *100%
參考: me
2007-07-27 12:20 am

Percentage of eggs that were broken = 25 / 750 * 100% = 3.3333%



80% of boys passed the examination imply that 20% of the boys failed the examination.

Number of boys who failed the examination
= 450 * 20%
= 90


60% of girls passed the examination imply that 40% of the girls failed the examination.

Number of girls who failed the examination
= 550 * 40%
= 220


Total number of students = 450 + 550 = 1000
Total number of students who failed the examination = 90 + 220 = 310
Percentage of students who failed the examination = 310 / 1000 * 100% = 31%
2007-07-27 12:19 am
1.25/750x100%=33 1/3%
2.450x (1-80%)=90

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