"急求"book review

2007-07-27 12:04 am
急求英文book review!!!
Men in black, Forrest Gump, Romeo and juliet除外..

可跟以下大綱寫~ The Basics: title:What is the title of the english book you read? Author:Who is the writer of the book? Genre:What type of book is it?


Content Information: Setting:Where does the story take place? Character Development:How does the author help us get to know the characters? Plot:What happens in the story? Author's Style:What is unusual or interesting about the author's writing?


Options and recommendations: Comments:Which part(s) of the story do you like most? Which character(s)do you like most?What have you learned from the story? Intend Audience:What type of person would like this book?


Overall Rating:Why do you like or dislike this book?Would you recommend it?How do you rate it?

回答 (1)

2007-07-28 11:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
This is what I wrote for another person before
Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan
talk about the four Chinese immigrants form a club thats call the"joy luck club".the book was written by one of the woman's daughter(amy tan). after her mom died, she start to tell the reader about how sad or what happen in her mother's life. The mothersfear they have not passed their life-stories and knowledge onto their daughters, while the daughters choose to ignore their mothers and their Chinese heritage. In the end the daughters undergo a transformation and accept their mothers and begin to accept their heritage and the way they were raised. This theme of cultural misunderstanding is exacerbated by adding the normal mother/daughter misunderstandings to its confusion. All of the daughters, at some point in the book, tell of an instant where their mother's Chinese was impossible to translate into English, because of cultural differences that made it impossible for the daughters to fully understand what their mothers were trying to tell them.

What happens in the story
1. Assimilation-to American culture.
4daughters were unfriendly with one another when they shared so much in common
The daughters in the novel are genetically Chinese (except for Lena , who is half Chinese) and have been raised in mostly Chinese households, but they identify with and feel at home in modern American culture. Jing-mei comes to see that China itself contains American aspects, just as the part of America she grew up in—San Francisco’s Chinatown—contained Chinese elements. Thus, her first meal in China consists of hamburgers and apple pie, per the request of her fully “Chinese” relatives.

2.Sorrow about "who I am"

As they mature, the daughters begin to sense that their identities are incomplete and become interested in their Chinese heritage. Waverly speaks wishfully about blending in too well in China and becomes angry when Lindo notes that she will be recognized instantly as a tourist. One of Jing-mei’s greatest fears about her trip to China is not that others will recognize her as American, but that she herself will fail to recognize any Chinese elements within herself.

3 self-worth- they felt more proud to be an American than Chinese

Waverly, Rose, and Lena all have white boyfriends or husbands, and they regard many of their mothers’ customs and tastes as old-fashioned or even ridiculous. Most of them have spent their childhoods trying to escape their Chinese identities: Lena would walk around the house with her eyes opened as far as possible so as to make them look European. Jing-mei .

Settings: it beigns with the Chinese family in USA
The Main characters are the 4 daughtersWaverly, Rose, and Lena, Lindo and the mother

Ending: I don not have much strong feelings about the ending of the story because the ending is really too plain-no surprise. I can very much guess what is going to happen in the end.
What I learnet fromt he story:
Parents should not be too strict and demanding to their children. Different generation and ages have their own values and thoughts. Being too strong-head would not give people any good because in the end they are going to die anyway.
My favourite character:

. Although the mother in the mother is very strict to her kids, I like her because she is just trying to teach her children to be good. Therefore,I like the mother most in the story because she has the traditional family value of "being a mother" in her mind. It's very difficult to find women like that in Hong Kong.


http://www.cliffsnot es.com/WileyCDA/LitN ote/id-39,pageNum-19 .

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