
2007-07-26 11:54 pm
1. For a product , cost = $80 , marked price = $120 , and selling price = $96 .
(a) What is the profit / loss percentage ? [選擇題]
A. 20% profit B. 20% loss C. 50% profit D. 16.7 loss

(b) The discount percentage is [選擇題]
A. 33.3% B. 20% C. 50% D. 16.7%

2. Calculate (a) 40% of 500; and (b) x% of x .

3. What percentage of 600 os 100 ?

呢幾條題來自Train Up MATHEMATICS 1 (S.1-S.2)

回答 (2)

2007-07-27 12:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
1a. Percentage
= (96-80) / 80 x 100 %
= + 20 %
Answer is A.

1b. Discount percentage
= (120-96) / 120 x 100 %
= + 20 %
Answer is B.

2a. 40 % of 500
= 500 x 40 %
= 200

2b. x% of x
= x(x%)

3. Percentage
= 100/600 x 100 %
= 16.67 % (cor. to 2 d.p.)
參考: Me
2007-07-27 12:14 am
1(a) $80 (1+x%) = $96
(1+x%) = 1.2
ans = A. 20% profit

(b) $120 * 0.8 = $96
discount = 20% off
ans = B. 20%

2 (a) 500* 0.4 = 200

(b) 1/100 x square

3) 600%

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