英文數學題- Using Algebra to Solve Problems

2007-07-26 11:29 pm
Answer the following questions in algebraic expressions.
(a) A dozen eggs cost $2y. How much does an egg cost?
(b) Multiply x by 3 , minus the product by 5 .
(c) The length of a rectangle is x cm . Its width is 2 cm less than its length. Find the area of the rectangle.
(d) The bases of a trapezium are 3 cm and 5 cm and its height is x cm . What is the area of the trapezium?

呢幾條題來自Train Up MATHEMATICS 1 (S.1-S.2) 的第一課

回答 (3)

2007-07-26 11:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) 2y/12
2) 3x-5
3) x (x-2)
4) (3+5)x/2
參考: self
2007-07-26 11:41 pm
(a) an egg cost 2/12 y = 1/6 y


(c) x(x-2)

(d) 1/2 (3+5) x
2007-07-26 11:36 pm
a) 2y/12 = y/6
b) (3x)-5
c) x(x-2) = x square - 2x
d) (3+5)x divided by 2 = 4x
參考: myself

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