
2007-07-26 10:12 pm
I have been studied in this school for three years.<--呢個係乜tense,仲有呢句點解?
i have studied in this school for 3 years<--係我響呢間學校讀左3年,咁係咪我而家都係呢家學校?
present perfect tense係講過去延至而家既action,咁包唔包括將來?
咁present perfect continuous包唔包括將來都係?

第1句唔係present perfect continuous黎架!

回答 (3)

2007-07-26 10:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你第一句是被動式,study用作被動式,而且subject竟然是 I 是很奇怪的事;你的句子可以譯作:我在這學校被研究已經三年了(可能你十分特別,所以作為研究對象),而時式:是present perfect tense(不過是passive voice)
I have studied in this school for 3 years,不錯!是我在這學校就讀已經三年了,因現在完成式的reference point是now,所以,你現在還是在那間學校就讀。
present perfect tense有幾種用法,1)表示過去某時開始的動作,現在剛完成,即「剛完成...」的意思,如:I have finished my supper now.
2)表示過去某時所發生的動作,其結果繼續到現在的狀態。如:I have found the knife that I lost the other day.
3)表示某狀態,從過去某時繼續到現在。如:I have known him from a child.
4)表示過去某時的經驗,即「曾經」的意思,如:Have you ever visited London?
5)在時間或條件的副詞子句中,用以代替未來完成。如:I will let you know as soon as it has been decided.(一有決定,我立刻告訴你)
Present perfect tense是講過去延至現在的動作,Present perfect tense既以現在為準,那麼就不包括未來。
而至於Present perfect continuous tense是表示從過去的某一定時繼續到現在的動作,通常和表示「期間」的副詞(或副詞片語)並用。
如:He has been suffering from a bad cold for a week(他一直患著惡性感冒一星期了)
Present perfect continuous tense也是以”現在”為準,故也不涉及未來。
2007-07-26 10:27 pm
首先 have been studied 是 passive voice (被動)
如用 have been studying 是有繼續進行的意思,
have studied = have already studied
2007-07-26 10:20 pm
I have been studied in this school for three years.
been 後要用ing, 所以studied 係錯, 要用studying
present perfect continuous包括將來
參考: me

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