2007-07-26 9:52 pm
Eating at home is better than eating in restaurants?
Do you agree?

回答 (3)

2007-07-26 10:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Yes,I extremely agree with that. it`s because the food in restaurant contains lots of fats, especially the monosodium glutamate(MSG).If we eat too much of this admixture, it will be affect our health. The true is eating at home is better than eating in restaurant because you can cook yourself, you have your chooice that buy the food which is good to your health. You can choose another source to make your food more delicious and more fitness. That`s why i agree with eating at home is better than eating in restaurant.

2007-07-26 15:13:12 補充:
Thank you Cheese!I will correct my english grammar.
2007-07-26 10:57 pm
lck6c14... so many grammatical mistakes in your answer man....

There's no such thing as "extremely agree".
MSG is not a kind of fats.
it will affect our health.
The truth is eating at home
you can choose to buy food that are good for your health. Y
more delicious and better for your health.
That`s why i agree that eating at home is better than eating in restaurant.
2007-07-26 9:56 pm
Yes, I agree because eating at home is more health for us. The food in the restaurants contains many fats and pigment. It is bad for our body.

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