I love one boy .he love me .But he very cool

2007-07-26 9:50 pm
I love one boy .he love me .But he very cool

回答 (5)

2007-07-26 11:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
So i guess... you are trying to say that the guy is too shy to confess to you or something like that ?? Well... i dun really get wat you were trying to ask... However, if you really love him, and he does love you... then.. why not just confess to him and be together??
If you two are already together, and the "cool" you meant is not talking much, or not doing anything special enough for you.. then i would say.. perhaps he's just too shy...
參考: just my opinion
2007-07-26 11:16 pm
既然你地大家都 love 大家 , 咁就冇問題 la ~
2007-07-26 9:57 pm
2007-07-26 9:55 pm
2007-07-26 9:53 pm
what do you actually want to ask?

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