九龍灣天主教聖約翰 vs 九龍塘聖羅撒

2007-07-26 8:04 pm
雖然唔同區, 但係我想問下九龍灣天主教聖約翰同九龍塘聖羅撒以上兩間小學邊間好d. Thanks.

o甘您或您妹妹又無讀過九龍塘聖羅撒, 您又點知九龍塘聖羅撒無九龍灣天主教聖約翰o甘好? 有無d具體意見呀? Thanks.


to marcong_home: could you pls help to explain why 九龍灣天主教聖約翰 is not good? Thanks.

回答 (3)

2007-07-26 10:54 pm
2007-07-26 10:17 pm
I am one of the St. Rose of Lima's College student. I think St. Rose is quite good. The teacher are nice and so what. But maybe there will have a lot of homework. But I don't like 九龍灣天主教聖約翰 so much. Since I think 聖約翰 is too small.
參考: me
2007-07-26 8:34 pm

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