
2007-07-26 6:17 pm
Write the correct questions for the reponses.
e.g. What is good friend?
A good friend is someone you can always trust.
We keep in touch with each other through e-mail and ICQ.

No.We never argue with each other.

Yes.I remember all of my friends' other.

No.I don't send birthday cards to my friends.

回答 (2)

2007-07-26 6:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. How do you keep your relationship with your good friend?
We keep in touch with each other through e-mail and ICQ.

2. Do you always argue with your good friend?
No.We never argue with each other.

3. Do you remember all of your friends’ other?
Yes.I remember all of my friends' other.

4. Do you send birthday cards to your friends?
No.I don't send birthday cards to my friends.

5. What will you do on your friends’ coming birthdays?
I will send birthday presents to my friends for their birthdays
參考: me
2007-07-26 6:40 pm

How do you keep in touch with each other?
Do you argue with each other?
(What are you talking about??
) Do you remember all of your friends' other?
Do you send birthday cards to your friends?
Do you send them birday presents for their birthdays?

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