我想問festival 前面要唔要加article?

2007-07-26 6:07 pm

好多謝三杉淳的解答,但我想問何謂proper noun?你給了the Mid -Autum festival做例子,但我們唔會the Christmas,可否再解答? thank you!

回答 (2)

2007-07-26 6:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
睇你係唔係 Proper Nouns。
Proper Nouns 嘅話,一般都要加,例如:
Tomorrow is the Mid-Autumn Festival.
The festival I like most is the Tuen Ng Festival.
Do we still have Hong Kong Festival?
如果唔係 Proper Noun,加唔加同普通名詞一樣。例如:
How many festivals are there in Hong Kong?
Ching Ming is the name of a Chinese festival.
Mid-Autumn Festival is the festival I am talking about.

2007-07-26 10:35:36 補充:
補充一下,關於Proper nouns 應否加 definite article (即 the)是有爭議的。有 grammarist 堅持proper nouns usually do not use articles。

2007-07-26 12:36:41 補充:
Proper noun 係專有名詞,如地名、人名。http://www.chompchomp.com/terms/propernoun.htmChristmas 當然唔加article,但Easter 有時卻要 the Easter. 有時 proper noun 加不加 article 真的要視乎用法和慣例。
2007-07-26 6:10 pm
係唔要! festival 前面唔要加article!

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