我想問問我係美國讀community college gpa難唔難拎3.8+ (10分)

2007-07-26 11:10 am


Eng(B) E
Maths C
Chem B
Bio C
A.Maths E

CE all用中文讀

而家就只有phy(A.L.) 轉用英文.Chem Bio(A.L.)就用中文
Miss 都話我UE應該會pass 拎E

我將移民過去美國 (三藩市).計劃會先讀community college2年 再升U

1.community college一學年要讀幾多units?
2.community collegeD科易唔易拎A?
3.我自己就set左個目標係讀UCLA ,以我咁遲先去美國,能力上會唔會有問題?
4.其實UCLA 係咪好難入?我應該退而求其次?
5.CC 大約有D咩讀 ?


回答 (2)

2007-07-29 5:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
首先: 你打算乜野major?
雖然開頭你都未洗決定住, 不過知道自己大約係向邊個方向行會比較好囉

1. college分2個system, quarter and semester, quarter一年要讀45, sem一年要讀30
其實2個無乜分別, 只不過每個quarter係十二個星期, sem係十八個星期, UCLA係quarter, 所以要180 units grad, 但如果你由sem sch轉入ucla, tran之前應該要有at least 60 unts, quarter sch要有90 units, 讀既野其實無乜分別, 只不過有時好似math戈d咁...一年calculus sem sch得2班, quarter就有3-4班

2. 只要你讀書做homework日日上堂, 很易...main point係睇你自己肯唔肯讀書

3. 我都係f.5之後過黎, 我覺得無乜問題..雖然我係讀英文學校, 但都有好多人讀中文學校既朋友都無問題, 睇你CE都係考science戈邊, 有問題既可能都係phy chem bio d terms咁囉....math都係照計既je.....其他GE classes就要讀囉
講真, 向SF入邊既CC....我諗你聽到中文多過聽到英文, 所以真係唔洗咁worry, 大把人英文差過你
如上邊位人兄講, CC d 班真係幾易下....頭戈2年讀既phy chem math你應該向HK讀過哂 (你chem攞B....絕對無問題...)
反而你要留意讀GE戈d好似humanities, history, psychology戈d....(所有人都要揀幾班黎讀...我suggest你向CC讀左佢...因為上到U會難好多)

4. 睇你乜野major ....你應該係science戈邊.....engineering就難入, 最好攞4.0, biochem戈邊易入d...我諗3.6以上都有得諗下....(其實biochem UCSD ranking係#1...可以諗諗)...因為無乜人bio class攞到A....如果係business戈邊...UCLA無business sch, 得個business econ major from econ department...我唔suggest呢個major if u intend to go for business school....anyway bus econ幾難入..都要3.9x - 4.0
再者....你係移民過黎, 你應該有green ccard, apply UC都當你係resident, gpa比international student可以低d.....0.1-0.2度啦 (application戈度international student同resident係分開唔同...雖然佢無講明係唔同requirement....but its a well known secret)
對自己有信心, 差過你的人很多, CE 0分的也大有人在, 最後也入到很好的學校

6.好既CC應該有90%你頭2年需要讀既野...如GE classes...major classes, enough for ur preparation to transfer
呢個係ccsf 個website...你可以睇下佢catalog有乜野讀


good luck

2007-07-28 21:33:15 補充:
參考: 剛在UCLA畢業
2007-07-26 6:52 pm
according to your grades, u should have no problem with community college. American's math & science are really bad, so after u get to SF, i believe u will be the best in the class. since u have the concept in the subject areas, so it will not be too hard for u to pick up the english language. However, in SF(old gold mountain), there are many chinese, chinese students usually work hard, so if u dont work hard, u may fall behind.

answers for:
1. about 60 to 65 credits for a major in CC
2. depends on u!! some classes are very easy, different professors will have different standards, i took chinese classes in a community collge, i got A, and A-, but got B- in a Psy class, D in english class, so had to retake and then got a B, u have to work hard and go to look for tutors, college usually provides u with free tutoring, u just have to go to make appt. with them. I graduated with a gpa of 3.2. in a community college.
3.UCLA....... i dont know, but my plan was to let myself get used to the new envoronment, train my ears to listen to the new language first. Do u speak english with freinds? do u think u will understand the way Americans speak? and do u think they will understand u?
4. i dont know
5. check on the web site of the college u want to go, usually they will have majors such as: accounting, math, music, art, education/early childhood education/ elementary school education, nursing, computer, etc.
some web sites for ur reference: www.brooklyn.cuny.edu (4 yrs college)
www.bmcc.cuny.edu ( community college)
參考: i studied in a communtiy college in New york

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