
2007-07-26 8:19 am
hi... me again..
last time i told u guys that... i like a girl but duno she like me or not..
now i no that she like a boy a little bit.. but that boy is study in uk so she is thinkin of together or not..
but still she like that boy... she still ask me out.. so i just duno wt to do agn... plz 幫幫我... and im thinking of quit 追 her... wt should i do....

she already no how i feel to her i told her i like her


But last time she told me that she dun like me...and i said i no u never will... but then she said how do u no i wouldnt like u wor... so wt she reli tryin to say? tryin to be flirty? play me?


but now we dun tlk much... anything i can do to mak us tlk more... cuz she put most of her time wif that uk boy on msn now...

回答 (5)

2007-07-26 9:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
She like that boy , yes. But she will forget him soon.
Boz no one can feel any real romance across a great DISTANCE , that is real.
She absolutely need a new boy friend , That is the truth.

She will tell every one that she like the boy, she has no choice.
What will other ppl think about her if she give up her ex-boyfriend immediately after she realize the DISTANCE?!

So, she want to date with you so that she ask you out, that is a great truth.
If you are really having interest on her . You don't have to worry about anything.
She likes you, and she is eager to be with you.Her message is very clear ,guy!

so, you don;t have to quit due to the difficulty, boz there is no difficulty!!
Just tell her everyday , tell her to quit the UK boyfriend and stay with you.
This is what she is really waiting for you to do. She may give you a negative response.
But , it doesn't mean anything about she like you or not .She must give that comment.
So, keep on urging her to quit her UK boyfriend . Boz what she need is a guidance from other , what she need is a person to blame on and an excuse for herself to quit the UK boyfriend . That 's what she think. May be this is not an absoulte truth.
But you can make it an absolute one easily by doing the above.
so, enjoy the time with her , and express your willing on her honestly.
This is a great change to make you couple to open a beginning of telling truth!!!
Treasure it!! THat is what she want !! And what she should want!!

So, do it if you are interested on her .
She may quit her boz of you dun like her . But there is no sense quiting her boz of difficulties . There are hell no difficulties!!! IT is not an obstacles, it is a great chance to build up a clear and honest romance !! Add oil and go ahead! Friend!

2007-07-26 09:55:06 補充:
if that is it , it means that she dont like you that much but she want to keep you as a boy friend .and she dun want to make things too sure, that is no good to everyone

2007-07-26 09:55:24 補充:
she want herself to always having much choices .Just enjoy the more-than-friend relationship with her is okay.Time will bring you two togetherand i have read ur message.IF that is the case,dun urge them to break up

2007-07-26 09:55:32 補充:
she want herself to always having much choices .Just enjoy the more-than-friend relationship with her is okay.Time will bring you two togetherand i have read ur message.IF that is the case,dun urge them to break up

2007-07-26 09:55:48 補充:
you should encourage her to keep u as a second one,make yourself generous in romance and share the UK boy's affair as the business and topic of you two together .

2007-07-26 09:55:58 補充:
and the situation will be more bright.things will develop healthily in this wayThen u will find a better atmosphere later to ask her to break the Ukboy and only stay wtih you.

2007-07-26 09:59:55 補充:
So, just let things be natural , respect ur wants and be generous, this is the point.Notice that the ultimate gravity bringing too ppl into a couple is never the type of relation of what the Ukboy and she , but the type of relation between u and she

2007-07-26 20:27:42 補充:
覆你的信:U dun really need to let her thk ur betterjust get along with her and make urself be part of her lifethings will be okay, when u two are frd enough,telling her to break her uk boy is just a normal thing to do,&she will be emotioned,u dun really need to succeed,u just need to do to job

2007-07-27 15:03:13 補充:
re:最緊要係進退自如姐..唔好強求,有位便進,冇位便退,由得那UK仔自生自滅就ok至於講乜野..咪講下哄女仔既野law, or 同佢分享下佢同UK仔既浪漫進度佢會好樂意的

2007-07-28 17:48:28 補充:
eppie , thx your comment , i am not that bad as u think
2007-07-28 11:15 am
Very detailed. Positive! Encouraging! With sophisticated analysis! What a sincere replier~
2007-07-26 6:08 pm

2007-07-26 8:26 am
if you are thinking of quit. it means so love her not so deep, i suggest you quit as soon as possible is better.
if not i suggest you to keep to stay with her, still have chance to let her know u love her. because you want her to be happy, so you should let her know everything, your feeling. let her admire you, so that she will change her mind and on you
2007-07-26 8:24 am
if you still like her, why quit? If you keep going out with her , you still get 50% chance to win her heart, if you give up, then no hope.

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