My thermometer broke and the mercury leaked out, how do I clean it up?

2007-07-25 11:57 pm
So the mercury is just sitting there on the desk, a couple of drops. I assume paper towels are not the way to go. How bout paper towel and a rubber glove? Is it still dangerous? please help!

回答 (6)

2007-07-26 3:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
Cleaning Up Small Mercury Spills
For spills of less than two tablespoons:
Evacuate the spill area
Lower the temperature
Turn off ventilating or air conditioning systems
Close interior doors
Determine if the spill must be reported
Contain the spill
Ventilate the room
Assemble clean up supplies
Dress appropriately
Pick up all visible mercury droplets
Gently transfer mercury into an unbreakable plastic container
Place the mercury waste container(s) into a zip-top plastic bag
Remove and dispose of contaminated carpeting
Sprinkle fine powder sulfur or zinc on the spill site
Check carefully for missed mercury
Set aside everything you think might be contaminated with mercury
Do not place mercury-contaminated substances in the trash
Monitor spill zone for mercury vapors
Wash humans and animals exposed to mercury
Continue ventilation
Replace broken device with a ‘mercury-free’ alternative
Inventory all remaining mercury-containing devices and replace them with mercury free alternatives...
2007-07-26 7:15 am
Please refer to the link below:

It takes time to buy a clean up kit, follow the steps in the above link and you may:
sprinkle sulfur or zinc at the spill area to de-toxicate instead.
2007-07-26 7:07 am
No matter what you may be told, don't use your tongue.
2007-07-26 7:06 am
Take a piece of card stock in one hand and use it to push the mercury onto another piece of card stock. From there, dump it into a small jar. Call your local Fire Department for instructions on how to dispose of this hazard material. It really shouldn't leave any residue on your desk.
2007-07-26 7:02 am
Call Poison Control or your local Fire Dept immediately - mercury is extremely toxic!
2007-07-26 7:01 am
call the posion control hot line(phone book) yes mercury is dangerous

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