What are some good Chopin songs to play?

2007-07-25 10:10 pm
Besides waltzes, mazurkas, and short things like that.

回答 (5)

2007-07-25 10:27 pm
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All of Chopin's works are amazing, adorable and great!
Besides waltzes and mazurkas I'd say his etudes in Gb major of the both Op.-s are brilliant and sweet. Also his polonaises, which are a little more difficult.
You can also try out his Nocturne in Bb major which is not so difficult and is the most beautiful piece of work along his compositions.
His little short preludes are a great rep. for a pianist. I like the 20.th one in C minor the most - besides, it's only 4 lines long ;)
If you've got the skills you can try to play his Piano Sonata no.2 in B minor - it's a very beautiful and interesting work!
Hope you'll enjoy discovering and playing Chopin's superb compositions :)
2007-07-25 10:49 pm
Personally I like, Nocturne in F major.
2007-07-26 12:22 am
Well everyone else pretty much mentioned them all. Go to a library and listen to them. Then head out to the music store and learn them. They are all challenging because of the expression that you will need to inherit to play them. All of his works are a great experience to learn. He had really long fingers.
2007-07-25 11:32 pm
All of his ballades are amazing works. And the Fantasy in F-minor is a massive piece (15 minutes or so). I love just about anything Chopin wrote in a minor key. Borrow some Chopin CD's at the library -- you'll find something!
參考: Piano performance major....learning the Ballade in G-minor, learned several nocturnes.
2007-07-25 10:50 pm
Prolly that Heroic piece or that Nocturne No. 1. Both of those are moving pieces.

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