what does a sauerkraut taste like?

2007-07-25 9:59 pm
i have never eatten a sauerkraut before and my mom is making it for supper....is it good? what does it taste like?

回答 (11)

2007-07-25 10:02 pm
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it is pickled cabbage.

I like it. It is very sour and crunchy when raw. (like a salad) Once grilled, it gets muchier, but I like it still.
2007-07-30 4:58 am
Sauerkraut is pickled cabbage. It is sour like pickles and kind of salty at the same time. It actually is good for you. My family (being German)used to make it. It's great on a bratwurst sandwich or a polish hot dog with a good brown mustard. You can eat it hot or cold. You should tryit you might like it.
2007-07-26 5:12 am
Traditional sauerkraut is made from cutting up cabbage placing it in wooden barrels adding salt, sealing the barrel and allowing the cabbage to ferment for 6 months to one year. Smells really bad. Modern Sauerkraut is made from pickling the cabbage with vinegar and pickling spices, usually for a shot period of time. So if you like the flavour of pickles you should like it.
2007-07-26 5:09 am
Well it depends on the individuals taste. I kinda like it but it's not my favorite thing. Sauerkraut is fermented cabbage so if you like cabbage you'll like sauerkraut. It's very salty and stringy and I don't quite know how to describe the taste just try it you might or might not like it.
2007-07-26 5:09 am
Sauerkraut tastes like sour or fermented cabbage.
What does it really taste like? You'll know by suppertime.
Let us know how you would describe it.
2007-07-26 5:08 am
Sauerkraut is finely sliced cabbage fermented by various lactic acid bacteria including Leuconostoc, Lactobacillus, and Pediococcus.[1][2] It has good keeping qualities and a distinctive sour flavour, both of which result from the lactic acid that forms when bacteria ferment the sugars in the fresh cabbage.

Basically it's sour cabbage. If you like sour preserved vegetables, it taste good. If you don't like sour food, then you probably won't like it.

Personally I think it's very good to go with Hot Dog Or polish dog.
參考: Wikipedia
2007-07-26 5:05 am
There's nothing else that tastes quite like it.
It will smell quite bad, but I love the stuff. Give it a shot.
2007-07-26 5:02 am
Like pickled cabbage. It tastes great on hot dogs with mustard and ketchup. Yummy!!!
2007-07-26 5:02 am
Delicious. It's a bit sour and a bit cabbagey. Your mom might serve it plain, or she might add some other ingredients like meat. Either way, it's a yummy side dish.
2007-07-26 5:37 am
Spicy Shredded Spinach

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