想生bb 但月經有好多時都會早5日來,請問有冇影響? THX

2007-07-26 7:54 am
想生bb 但月經有好多時都會早5日來,請問有冇影響? Last month, it was normal. My period came after 28 days but this month, it came 5 days earlier again. Would anyone know if this will affect the chance of not getting pregnant 不育? Many thanks, iamgoobie ^_^

回答 (2)

2007-07-26 8:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
不會影響生育的, 只會影響一D唸住計算排卵期來生育的人, 因為月經唔準的人佢地排卵既日子都係唔定, 比較難預測, 但只要你有排卵而配合到時間同你先生行埋, 你一樣可以懷孕!
2007-07-26 7:57 am
Make love like hell, and see if God is lookking after you.

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