卡塔爾航空穩陣嗎? 有否發生過delay 或意外?

2007-07-26 1:04 am
本人想去維也納, 請問坐卡塔爾航空好嗎?還是坐什麼航空呢?

回答 (4)

2007-07-26 1:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
I have taken 卡塔爾航空, the airplane is really ok, good for the price you paid and seldom delay and safe.

But I think you need to transit at 卡塔爾airport. The airport is small but many people is waiting there for transit to other country. You have to line up for long Q to buy your food or redem your food and also you hardly even can get a seat to sit.

The toilet is even worst, the floor are all wet and no one will clean the toilet.

You can take Birtish Airline, Emirates, Cathay Pacific to 維也納.

But I think 卡塔爾航空offers the cheapest price.
參考: My own experience
2007-07-27 2:20 am
我岩岩六月尾就係坐Qatar Airways由HK-->Paris,再由London-->HK,總結係好安全,冇問題~仲要因為我由London返HK既時候London發現bomb,機場大混亂令所有航班都delay左,Qatar o的staff即刻安排我地由Qatar返HK坐business class,service好到冇得彈!
無錯Qatar既airport係好細,不過中東同歐洲大部分機場都唔係大,唔好同香港既intl airport比啦!其實Qatar Airways只係新o的既airline,亦因為咁,佢o的機都幾新(全部都係airbus,即係同Cathay既一樣...)同埋佢地其實係全球5大最佳航空公司,飛機餐都好好食,又準時。唔好諗住中東airline同埋平就等如差。
參考: 自己
2007-07-27 12:16 am
其實一分錢一分貨ga jie
不過貴d lor
2007-07-26 1:27 am

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