What is HTML????(20$$$$$)

2007-07-25 7:37 pm
What is HTML????(20$$$$$$$$$)

回答 (2)

2007-07-25 7:41 pm
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超文件標示語言(英文:HyperText Markup Language,簡稱為HTML)是為網頁創建和其它可在網頁瀏覽器中看到的信息設計的一種置標語言。HTML被用來結構化信息——例如標題、段落和列表等等,也可用來在一定程度上描述文檔的外觀和語義。由蒂姆·伯納斯-李給出原始定義,由IETF用簡化的SGML(標準通用置標語言)語法進行進一步發展的HTML後來成為國際標準,由全球資訊網聯盟(W3C)維護。


早期的HTML語法被定義成較鬆散的規則以有助於不熟悉網路出版的人採用。網頁瀏覽器接受了這個現實,並且可以顯示語法不嚴格的網頁。隨著時間的流逝,官方標準漸漸趨於嚴格的語法,但是瀏覽器繼續顯示一些遠稱不上合乎標準的HTML。使用XML的嚴格規則的XHTML(可擴展超文件標示語言)是W3C計劃中的HTML的接替者。雖然很多人認為它已經成為當前的HTML標準,但是它實際上是一個獨立的、和HTML平行發展的標準。W3C目前的建議是使用XHTML 1.1、 XHTML 1.0或者HTML 4.01進行網路出版。
2007-07-26 12:06 am
HTML, short for Hypertext Markup Language, is the predominant markup language for the creation of web pages. It provides a means to describe the structure of text-based information in a document — by denoting certain text as headings, paragraphs, lists, and so on — and to supplement that text with interactive forms, embedded images, and other objects. HTML is written in the form of labels (known as tags), surrounded by less-than (<) and greater-than signs (>). HTML can also describe, to some degree, the appearance and semantics of a document, and can include embedded scripting language code which can affect the behavior of web browsers and other HTML processors.

HTML is also often used to refer to content of the MIME type text/html or even more broadly as a generic term for HTML whether in its XML-descended form (such as XHTML 1.0 and later) or its form descended directly from SGML (such as HTML 4.01 and earlier).

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