讀邊間既酒店管理higher diploma好? with a diploma

2007-07-25 5:20 pm
今年岩岩讀完觀塘VTC既Hospitality management, got a really good result
係dipolma黎, 我想繼續讀higher diploma
中大有, ive有, 呢2間邊間好d?
讀過既可唔可以俾d suggestion我??
仲有邊間係幾好架, hkuspace 學費好似好貴咁

回答 (4)

2007-07-25 5:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
中大, 起碼大學個朵好聽d 先
ive 實在太多人讀喇, 人人拿著ive cert 去見工, 那到你的份兒
參考: 21歲商碩
2007-07-30 4:04 am
My school also has hospitality management higher diploma course.

You studied 觀塘VTC, but how about your english level now? ? You have to know, you need to have a really good standard of language proficiency if you want to engage in hotel this career.

But if your english is not extremely excellent, it really doesn't matter, because my school will provide you with lots of english practice to equip you apart from the course.
You will also have a free trip to Australia, where you'll learn something on wine. My school will pay your fee on the flight, accommodation, food, etc.

You're welcome to add me: [email protected]
or give me a call directly: 61875878
I'm willing to answer your queries about the course.

You must act as quickly as possible as there are not muct places left in this course.

see you.

all the best.
2007-07-29 6:53 am
The higher diploma of hospitality management is not provided by CUHK. It is only provided by CUHK School of Continuing & Professional Studies.

They are independent.

Why not choose PolyU ? They are much more famous than the others.
2007-07-28 8:06 am
我朋友可以介紹一個Hospitality 既diploma俾你wo
[email protected]
參考: me

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