✔ 最佳答案
In commercial world, the common practice is
(1) keep your communication as simple as you can. ( maximum use of common abbreviations 儘量用普及式簡寫)
(2) straight to the point. (直接到題)
(3) 老外商界不喜歡東方式的過份謙虛(差一點便當你作虛偽), 絕不講題外話。不浪費精力。
Therefore, your answer even in this way is generally accepted:-
Please let us know your decision ASAP. (as soon as possible, 簡寫一定用大寫)
格式上不用me 而用us, 你只代表公司。除非你是想講俾佢知,你公司是 one man band.
2007-07-25 00:16:41 補充:
earliest convenience 是過時的商業英語。2000年後已甚小商界採用。
2007-07-25 00:20:45 補充:
參考: my 40 years commercial experience with foreigners and professional practice.