Overseas pen-friend(10marks)

2007-07-25 6:33 am
有PEN- Friend有咩好處?講7種好處,並且簡短説明原因
Please use English

回答 (2)

2007-07-25 7:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. You practice Englsih with an English P-friend.
2. You practice you writing skills thoruhg writing letters to a friend.
3. You will learn more vocab, when you come across words you can unknown expressions, you might ask others, look up in the dictionary...etc.
4. You makes friends over-seas and have a better personal network.
5. your over-sea pen-friends will share the funny stuff of different cultures with you and enlighten and broaden your knoweldge.
6. When you go to your pen-friend's country, you get free local guides to take you around.
7. sometimes, you get to stay at your pen-friends place for free. ( for Boys, who get to stay in female pen-friends place, which is quite unlikely, you might get free laids. And Girls, must try to avoid staying at pen-friends' place, otherwise have to be pre-pare to encounter some one-night stand exprience.)
2007-07-25 6:39 am
for some reason, that ,s a great way for practing english and met some new friend,knowing other countires situation by this opportunity , great man
參考: haha

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