runescape (急)高手請進

2007-07-25 6:29 am
我想要200 mind rune .........air rune....急練magic和10k(buy rune 2h)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

我非常需要 200 mind and air rune 和10k!急!邊個先就選佢


我多數在world 62

回答 (5)

2007-08-01 3:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
1)可以去買一支air staff(空氣魔杖),原價只售$1500。
2)買完之後,因你用了這支魔杖,就不需要Air rune魔法石。
3)Mind rune(太陽魔法石),你需要的話,我可以給你。
我的名: jacky9871

參考: 我
2007-08-07 12:11 am
You can go back to Lumbridge. There is a magic tutor. Every 30 minutes you can go there once.( If you have some mind runes and air runes she will not give you) She will give you 30 mind runes and 30 air runes.

參考: me
2007-08-05 2:40 am
200mind rune 要4000gp(20 each)

air rune 要 4000gp (20 each)

rune 2h 要 45k~60k

你最好mining coal or iron ore,因為200each and 100each
參考: me
2007-08-03 12:21 am
u can ask me to give u. i have acc:killwong1,killwong2,killwong3,killwong4,killwong5
i call999andnoob is nub1.many acc! and i can give u some runes! add me all acc!

2007-08-02 16:23:07 補充:
u can sell cowhides(100eg each)
參考: me
2007-07-25 6:36 am
我自己一年前都有玩,lv.83,但我已經幾個account送左俾人啦,我建議你去 呢個網度,入面有forum(o個度有好多高手,你可以同佢地交易,好安全),仲有好多runescape o既資料..............加油,祝你早日升lv!
參考: myself

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