
2007-07-25 4:57 am
1. the cost of pet is $300 and the marked price is $500.
find the profit if it sold at a 15% discount on the marked price

回答 (3)

2007-07-25 5:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
Cost of pet = $300
Marked Price of pet $500
Discount Marked Price $500x(1-15%) = $425
Therefore the Profit = 425-300 = $125
2007-07-25 5:07 am
final price
=$500 X (100%-15%)
=$500 X 0.85

=$425 - $300
參考: me
2007-07-25 5:05 am
500 x 85% = 425
425 - 300 = 125
Therefore the profit is $125.
參考: myself

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