What is RAM!!

2007-07-25 4:41 am
What is RAM , ROM , Hardware , Software , VDU , K ????

Please help!!!!
Please help!!!

回答 (2)

2007-07-25 5:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
Are you a student studying computer related subject? If true, I suggest that you should visit Wikipedia to find out more about any IT word you come across.

Follows are simply for your reference:
(Click the abbreviations for related details by Wiki)

RAM - Random Access Memory
ROM - Read Only Memory
Hardware - physical device or media used in computer system
Software - programs executed to meet specific purpose
VDU - Visual Display Unit (same as monitor or computer display)
K - Kilobyte (usually written in KB), 1KB = 1024 Bytes
參考: I am an IT expert and teacher.
2007-07-25 4:51 am
ram - random access memory (一般電腦memory) 無電會無晒記憶內的
rom - read only memory (如bios, cmos 等)
hardware - 硬件 (你見得到的電腦零件, 如graphic card, soundcard)
software - 軟件 (如operating system, microsoft office, msn messenger 等)
vdu - interface for plc 計時器
參考: 自己

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