
2007-07-25 3:45 am
如果張一個可以把動力轉變成電的東西(唔記得叫wt)接駁一個「摸打」,形成一個循環,重複多次,把「摸打」連接果樣野,再把電分支,after that連接一起,可否自動生電嗎?

回答 (3)

2007-07-30 7:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
你係咪話 :
2007-07-25 6:41 pm
You mean the generator (發電機).

As you connect the motor to a generator, there is a energy transfer form the generator to the motor. As you connect more motors to the genertor, more energy is needed to transfer form the generator to the motors.

In your idea, energy cannot be created. You just transform the energy from kinetic energy (KE) to electric (E), and then from E to KE and then .... From the point of energy conservation, you will never creat energy.

If you are interested in this, you can search on web by the keyword (永動機)
2007-07-25 9:18 am
其實係咪話用一個motor ge動力變做電力,再用電力推動個motor,形成cycle??

我諗理論上一開始只要夠電力推著個motor,或有人轉下佢,應該係得ge,但實際上,因為energy lost其實好勁,所以係唔得ge

2007-07-25 14:02:02 補充:
參考: 個人意見

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