
2007-07-25 12:07 am
我成日訓覺都會發夢,, 係日日都會,,
有時我可以一次過訓十幾個鐘,, 但係都係發梗夢,,
日日訓極都唔夠,, 成日都唔願起身!!!

我平時返朝9晚6 ge,, 放左工之後會讀夜校,, 壓力都算好大,, 但係我唔識點去平衡返!!

回答 (5)

2007-07-25 7:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
由你所提出的資料, 可見你的睡眠質素並不好, 當然由很多因素引致你睡眠質素不佳, 以下便是其中一些要點:
1. 你是否平日工作壓力大 ?
2. 你是否有許多擔心的事情 ?
3. 日常生活得不到平衡 ( 如工作時間過長, 運動不足, 飲食不正常等等 )
4. 夢是大腦的一種反應, 也有學說應為夢是一種啟示, 你嘗試看以下網址, 希望對你有幫助


當然使自己睡眠質素提高的方法許多, 我也曾經有失眠的時候, 以下一些方法作參考:
1. 在睡覺前及睡覺的環境中, 聽一些音樂, 但不要聽大聲或勁的音樂, 最好是西方的巴羅克
音樂, 要輕鬆使自己感到舒服
2. 可於睡前回想當日三件開心的事, 只想開心的事, 一切事情以正面看法, 你會感到自己是
一個開心快樂人, 睡眠質素一定提昇
2007-07-25 6:31 pm
你必須學曉去放鬆自己, 壓力太大喇

聽歌, 去旅行都係好方法
當然營養不足亦都會有影響, 你可以嘗試以下的方式, 看看對你有冇效用:
1) 晚前浸個熱水浴, 10分鐘左右都足夠 (放鬆心情)
2) 聽柔和的音樂, 或睇一些輕鬆的書籍或雜誌
3) 睡姿, 張雙手放鬆擺在肚臍上, 都有效幫助入睡的

如果上述的方法仍未能對你有幫助, 你可能需要一些保健品改善健康, 才可以解決失眠的問題, 例如使用當歸片咁, 有效舒緩疲勞感, 速進血液循環, 含的維他命b雜亦可以舒緩壓力, 我都係用佢改善失眠, 如有需要你都可以致電話給我 93331966 張小姐
2007-07-25 6:25 pm
you can 聽一些音樂
2007-07-25 1:11 am
listen to music before sleep maybe helpful
2007-07-25 12:25 am


It is perfectly normal to feel anxious at times, but when your anxiety is so severe that it interferes with your life and makes you chronically worried, edgy or irritable for no good reason, you may have a medical condition known as a generalized anxiety disorder. Anxiety disorders cause people to constantly worry and expect the worst.
Possible signs of an anxiety disorder include:

easily rattled by everyday occurrences
daily activities are interfered with, due to significant distress
you take extreme measures to avoid situations that make you feel anxious
physical symptoms such as: restlessness, irritability, disturbed sleep, muscle aches, fatigue, shortness of breath, diarrhea, nausea, hot flashes and chills, constipation, palpitations, excessive sweating and difficulty concentrating
many people with an anxiety disorder have a tendency to abuse alcohol and other sedative drugs
individuals with anxiety disorders often develop depression
Take the steps necessary to help relieve your anxiety:

Contact your doctor or Cal Poly Counseling Services and inquire about your symptoms. Medical researchers have found that counseling and, sometimes, medication are needed for the relief of anxiety symptoms.
Seek the support of a trusted individual in your life so that you don't feel alone and bottled up inside.
Learn what triggers your anxiety.
Practice relaxation exercises to lower your anxiety levels before you lose control.
Learn to avoid or deal with the anxiety-producing events of your life.
Be aware if the way you think is producing your anxiety (e.g. perfectionism, obsessions, fears, etc.)
Talk to a counselor to help yourself gain control.


Insomnia is the most common sleep disorder. It may affect people occasionally or chronically and for various reasons. For example, some people are kept awake by painful injuries or conditions. Others have a fear of not waking up. However, most cases of insomnia are due to anxiety (see Generalized Anxiety Disorder), caffeine use, or depression (see Depression).
If the following self-care tips do not help you establish a healthy sleeping routine, consult your counselor or health care provider. Medical treatment may be needed.
Self-care tips for insomnia:

Avoid or reduce your consumption of caffeine.
Avoid alcohol consumption in the evening. Although alcohol is a short-term sedative, it disrupts deep sleep (REM sleep), causing you to wake up suddenly, depriving you of a good night's rest.
Be aware of any other medication or drugs that may be stimulating.
Avoid eating large meals before bedtime. Having a full stomach may cause cramps, and eating spicy foods may cause heartburn, keeping you awake.
On the other hand, do not go to bed really hungry. Thinking about food and being hungry may keep you awake. Instead, eat a light snack before bedtime if you feel hungry.
Exercise regularly but do not perform strenuous exercises before bedtime since it may stimulate you and keep you up.
Avoid long, late afternoon naps.
Try reading a book in bed.
Make sure the surface you are sleeping on is comfortable.
Learn to relax to the fullest.
Create a regular, peaceful ritual for yourself at bedtime.

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