
2007-07-24 10:41 pm
I have a friend
Who always cares about me
She listens to my problems
No matter how stupid they may be
1.What does the word "stupid" (line 4) describe?
A.the writer B.the writer's friend C.the writer's problems

1.What does the word stupid (line 4) describe? A.the writerB.the writers friendC.the writer's problems


1.What does the word stupid (line 4) describe? A.the writerB.the writers friendC.the writers problems

回答 (2)

2007-07-24 10:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
first,No matter how stupid they may be , the [they] has been indicated the subject is not single , so considering the above answers , only C satisfies the condition .
second,the sentence She listens to my problems ,that means it is talking about the problems , therefore it is not talking about the person ..

2007-07-24 10:49 pm
C. the writer's problems

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