若想做飛機師,學美式英文、還是英式英文 會較理想?

2007-07-24 9:43 pm
請列明原因。 謝謝 !

回答 (3)

2007-07-24 10:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我覺得你/妳應該學英式英文,因為我覺得英式英文的發音好些!!!! 但是,又唔係話做飛機師和學美式英文唔好,只不過係無那麼好,如果你/妳係一心想學英文的話就去學英文啦!!!!但是如果你/妳不是很喜歡學英文的話那就不要學啦!!!! 你/妳喜歡英文就學啦!!! 喜歡做飛機師的那就做飛機師 啦!!
參考: 家人意見和個人喜好
2013-07-28 4:04 am
問題不在於學什麼英文, 而是你能聽到什麼英文
飛機師要求要好既英文聆聽能力, 多於說話能力
當然說話是重要, 不可輕視
你可以試下聽港式英文, 英式英文, 英式英文, 再聽澳洲口音英文, 印度口音英文, 再聽日本口音英文, Korea 既英文
要聽得明係唔同口音既英文, 先飛機師既重點
至於學英文, 基本上YouTube好多都係美式英文, Hollywood 電影都係美式
美式比英式重於發音 a e i o u, 英式在於音節
2007-07-28 8:51 pm
I think it is up to you as long as you can communicate with others. There are a lot of different nationality in this field, they are from UK, USA, Australia, China, etc ( they all have different accents)
I have a friend who wants to go back to Hong Kong to become a pilot, he got his education in USA and he learned how to drive a little plane. He also understand that if he got accepted in HK, he will have to go to Australia to study again.
You need to make sure you can speak good english (this is the main point).There is no mis-communication allow.

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